Our references and customer testimonials
To date, Cegid Exabanque counts nearly 3,000 companies across Europe. This represents more than 15,000 users who use the software daily.

We are still just as satisfied with the software now, one year on. Everything is hassle-free, which is largely thanks to the availability of Exabanque’s customer support teams and their advice.

One of the major benefits of Cegid Exabanque is how easy it is to use. Its ergonomics are so intuitive that a 12-year-old would be able to use it. It is also a reliable product. We haven’t really had any significant problems since we installed it.

Once the software had been set up, our users got to grips with it pretty quickly. It really is an easy and user-friendly tool. Cegid Exabanque is intuitive and adapted to everyday needs. The management of access rights is particularly efficient.

The favourable cost of Cegid Exabanque and the fact that it functions in SaaS mode were decisive factors for us, as well as how simple the interface is to use. as well as how simple the interface is to use.

Bauer & associates
In 2014, the property management company Bauer & associés had to undergo a significant reorganisation in the wake of…

Seyfert SAS
Payment security was a major issue for Seyfert SAS. Three years ago when the SEPA banking standard was introduced…

Linpac opts for EBICS TS to make its payments secure
Since 2011, Linpac Packaging Pontivy has used the Exabanque software to manage its banking communication. Jean Clemenceau, Manager of the IT Department, explains how the use of digital signatures…

Marubeni Europe plc has placed its trust in Exalog once again by choosing its Exabanque software for the company’s migration to SEPA. Valérie Vanderchruche, accountant at Marubeni…
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