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The Cegid Exabanque application is PSD2 compliant.

The Cegid Exabanque software includes a multitude of security features (two-factor authentication, user authorizations, etc.) to comply with European requirements.


What is PSD2?

The second Directive on Payment Services (PSD2), is in force in the European Union member states since September 2019.

It aims to make payments more secure and to strengthen the protection of consumers and businesses. It also promotes innovation by increasing competition between banks and payment institutions.

PSD2 Europe

What are the main measures of this directive?

For security issues, the implementation of PSD2 at the end of 2019 led to the introduction of several new rules:

Overbilling prohibited

The application of surcharges is prohibited in the case of payment by debit or credit card in a physical store or online

Refund of direct debits

In case of dispute, direct debits in euros are now unconditionally refunded with a reduced delay (unless there is suspected fraud on the part of the user)

Capped deductible

The consumer will now have to pay a deductible of up to 50 euros in case of fraudulent or unauthorized payment by credit or debit card

Opening of the market

Companies offering payment services now have access to their users' banking information

Introduction of new security requirements

Strong authentication is mandatory for all financial transactions (except for payments under 30 euros, regular payments, payments to white-listed beneficiaries, etc.).

Strong authentication in Cegid Exabanque

Digital authentication

Banks and payment management applications are now required to implement strong authentication for all sensitive operations: logging in, sending a payment, changing data, etc.

This type of authentication requires two of the following three factors:

  • Information you know: password, PIN, secret question…
  • Object that you own: mobile phone, connected watch, security card…
  • Personal characteristic: fingerprint, voice and facial recognition…

The Cegid Exabanque software offers several strong authentication methods combining two factors to choose from. Customers can choose from the following factors:

  • Biometrics (facial and digital recognition)
  • FIDO USB key
  • Login and password
  • Authentication grid and security card
  • Digital certificate

Cegid Exabanque complies with European security rules

The Cegid Exabanque software includes a multitude of security features (two-factor authentication, user authorizations, etc.) to comply with European requirements. But the application goes much further than the PSD2 recommendations in order to offer maximum security for payment management.

To find out more, visit our Security page.


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